Separation anxiety treatment program
Our step by step treatment program for separation anxiety and related problems.
The four types of separation anxiety and their symptoms.
What causes separation anxiety?
Independence is a natural reaction when a dog feels secure.
Is using rewards bribery?
What is a marker?
Teaching basic manners to your puppy or dog.
Video Tutorial: Patience around doorways.
Video tutorial - Jumping up.
Pack structure and Dominance.
Teaching a 'leave it' command.
Teaching your dog to lie down on command.
Your departure routine ( doing this, plus training and boundaries, will cure mild separation anxiety immediately!)
Exercise is important, but what about mental stimulation?
Fun ways to provide mental enrichment & outlets for natural instincts.
Departure cues : what are they and why are they important?
Containment phobia tips.
Arrivals and departures.
Crate training.
Understanding thresholds.
Don't leave your dog alone, work with their threshold.
Settling alone.
Settling alone step 2.
Settling alone part 3.
Medicine and anxiety relieving equiptment.
Stress/ trigger stacking. Why training too much is detrimental to your progress.
Mock departures: Once you can leave your dog alone for ten minutes.
Real departures.
Teaching a place command.